

I'm an aspiring software engineer currently studying Computer Science at the University of Alberta in my third year.

itsa mah face


Casa Catalog

December 2023

This Android mobile app was created for a third year capstone project.

Casa Catalog is a home inventory management system. Users are able to create records of their items including important info like price and serial number. Items are easily referenced by photos that can be attached from the mobile camera or gallery.

Casa Catalog was a collaborative project where the team drafted user interface mockups, user storyboards, and refined user story requirements. One of my favorite parts of the project was leading our team on whiteboarding sessions to brainstorm the UML design for the app and other various issues.


November 2022

BearPaths was my very first hackathon experience in my first year. With a team of new friends, we created a web application to help students find the warmest routes from one building to another on the University of Alberta campus.

The project featured three different parts: the scraping of existing walking route information from the Google Maps API, the implementation of an A* algorithm to find the optimal path, and a frontend to present to the user.

Tic Cat Toe

September 2023

In Fall of 2023, myself and a group of friends attended the DevelopEd 2.0 hackathon hosted by the Dev Edmonton Society. We competed in the Terrible UI category and created an (on purpose) awful implementation of tic-tac-toe.

The game is built in Typescript using the phaser.js game framework. It was our first time using Typescript and phaser, so there were a lot of challenges along the way. But in the end, we were able to put together a working game and got first place in our category.

Northern Alberta Route Retrofitting and Development


NARRDA is a volunteer organization that supports rock climbing development in Alberta. As a volunteer with NARRDA I help out with everything that needs to be done. On the technical side, I developed our website and integrated our donation platform and contact forms. On the non-technical side, I fundraise with the community and businesses, run charity events like silent auctions, purchase new inventory, and liase with route developers.
